Remind You of Anything? Israel Puts Temp Ban on Palestinian Entry

Chris Menahan Jun. 09, 2016 Israel just implemented their own version of Trump’s temporary Muslim ban, I wonder if the media will freak out and say they’re a bunch of “racists”? From The Independent: The Israeli military has revoked permits for more than 80,000 Palestinians to visit Israel during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan…

UK Illegally Harasses Russian Submarine Engaged in Lawful Passage of English Channel

UK Illegally Harasses Russian Submarine Engaged in Lawful Passage of English Channel

Contrary to Article 44 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, to which the UK and Russia are both party, the UK has engaged in extensive illegal harassment of a Russian naval submarine engaged in fully lawful transit of the Dover Strait. A Russian naval vessel en route between the Baltic and…