How the Pentagon is Preparing for a Tank War With Russia

Reactive armor and cross-domain fire capabilities are just some of the items on the Army’s must-have list. When Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster briefs, it’s like Gen. Patton giving a TED talk — a domineering physical presence with bristling intellectual intensity.These days, the charismatic director of the Army’s Capabilities Integration Center is knee-deep in a project called The…

How US News Media Propagandize for War Against Russia

  On June 16th, Adam Johnson at FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting) headlined «‘Allegedly’ Disappears as Russians Blamed for DNC Hack», and he broke an enormously important news story about the Washington Post’s propaganda for the US to go to war against Russia. It concerned the question of whether the Russian government had been, as the Post’s reporter…


Erdogan Apologizes To Putin Over Death Of Russian Pilot, Calls Russia Friend, Restores Ties With Israel

Putin and Erdogan, stock photo. In two stunning geopolitical developments over the past 24 hours, Turkey – which is finding itself increasingly snubbed by not only Europe but also the US – has pivoted dramatically and shortly after restoring full deplomatic ties with another country that has recently seen the cold shoulder from the Obama…