The Road to Armageddon

29 July 2016

The Past
Cuba – American Victory or Russian Compromise
Following the historic overthrow in the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961 (1,300 CIA trained and funded Cuban exiles) Castro was wary of another invasion attempt and invited Russian missiles into Cuba. Meanwhile, the US had installed nuclear missiles in both Turkey and Italy in 1961. Consequently, Russia saw this as an opportunity to place its own missiles in America’s backyard.
The Pentagon urged a full-scale U.S. invasion of Cuba, backed by massive naval and air power.
All Kennedy’s advisors, including Secretary of defence McNamara and Vice President Johnson, recommended an American invasion of Cuba, which would have guaranteed a nuclear war. Fortunately, Kennedy forbade the U.S. military to invade Cuba. Moreover, but unknown at the time, Soviet troops received authorisation to use 100 tactical nuclear weapons against any invading force and their bases in South Florida.
With both sides set on a crash course, on the 26 October 1962, a personal letter to Kennedy arrived from Khrushchev with a deal. If America withdrew its missiles from Turkey and Italy and give a cast iron guarantee not to invade Cuba, Russia would turn its ships around and withdraw the missiles from Cuba. A compromise reached, Kennedy accepted and both sides saved face.
A CBS broadcast on the 28th of October 1962 proclaimed that America had emerged, “from under the most terrible threat of a nuclear Holocaust since the second world war […] a humiliating defeat for Soviet policy“. Meanwhile, Russia stated that it was, “Yet another triumph for Moscow’s peace-loving foreign policy over warmongering imperialists […] the supremely wise, always reasonable Soviet leadership had saved the world from the threat of nuclear destruction.”
Did the propaganda version of victory mislead America into the self-complacency seen today and an over reliance on military action to resolve its future political problems?
The Present
Confidence is high
“In face of the U.S. harassment, Beijing should deal with Washington tactfully and prepare for the worst” – China, Global Times
“We were ready to do this … (Use of nuclear weapons against NATO) Crimea is our historical territory. Russian people live there. They were in danger. We cannot abandon them” – Putin, Crimea: The Road Back Home.
Obama, a former Chicago political activist threatens Russia and China at the UN: “I lead the strongest military the world has ever known” – 70th session of the UN general assembly.
The roots of America’s current belligerence lie in the private ownership of its currency, privatised by Woodrow Wilson in 1919, the now U.S. Federal Reserve. Like any privatised business, the Federal Reserve relies on a customer base, but as its customers dwindled, the future consequences forced America into protection racketeering, and manipulation to save its usury power. Today, this intervention translates to regime change and removing those who won’t agree. In other words, the U.S. produces dollars and the world peripheries produce to sell for those dollars, consequently, this means the U.S. has been living free by printing pieces of private profit-making paper for decades.
In 1973 President Nixon asked King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars as payment for oil and to invest any excess profits in US Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. In return, Nixon offered military protection for Saudi oilfields. The same offer was extended to each of the world’s key oil producing countries, and by 1975 every member of OPEC had agreed to only sell oil in U.S. dollars.”
In a world-wide economic recession, the world is finally beginning to realise the previous power of the U.S. lies not in exceptionalism, but in its parasitic nature. All this remains a conspiracy theory to many Americans, but well known to the rest of the worldRon Paul explains.
In November of 2000, Iraq began selling its oil only in Euros, the PetroEuro.
In 2006, Libya’s Khadaffi organised a block of African countries to create a gold-based currency called the gold dinar, to replace the U.S. dollar.
In 2007, Iran requests payments made in other than $US. Bound by common defence agreements Syria is Iran’s closest ally.
Both China and Russia abandon the Petrodollar in 2014.
In all, 23 countries have now abandoned the dollar and SWIFT, the dollar-based financial transaction system.
In All Wars are Bankers’ wars! Michael Rivero explains the history and predatory nature behind the U.S. Federal Reserve. However, the site experiences regular takedowns, here for a .pdf version, or the video here. Required knowledge behind the turmoil in today’s world.
The Future
The Day all Men became Equal
While NATO and the US continue to play war games, those on the receiving end might want to play another game with nukemap. Enter your world location, select a missile, view the strike results and hope it remains a game. The bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were 20kt and 15kt respectively. The Russian Topol SS25 is 800kt! The world has changed since the Cuban crisis of over half a century ago. Today there are no winners, confidence cannot be high and only compromises remain.

Or will America go quietly? A strong U.S. economy is not the answer to global prosperity; it is a system that allows the transfer of the world’s wealth to the U.S. As the global recession bites ever deeper, more and more Americans are waking up to the realisation that it was not they who created the wealth of America, but others. The dollar is collapsing and the American Empire is in decline. From The Federal Emergency Management Agency, to the militarisation of the police and what looks suspiciously like the beginnings of a police state, it is clear the U.S. government also realise the dangers ahead. Will the U.S. go nuclear, or accept the unavoidable economic and social collapse on its way to Armageddon?


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