Pakistan’s the Place…To Pull the Pin on the China Collapse Grenade

Pakistan’s the Place…To Pull the Pin on the China Collapse Grenade

India-Pakistan relations look to be interesting in the next few years, especially if by “interesting” one means “potential for regional conflagration with toasty global elements”. If the PRC continues its rise at its current trajectory and under its current management, chances are that by 2050 the United States will be facing a China that is…

Rival Resolutions on Syria Sponsored by Russia & France Fail at UNSC

Rival Resolutions on Syria Sponsored by Russia & France Fail at UNSC Russia has vetoed a French-drafted UNSC resolution on Syria, while the Russian draft resolution failed to receive a minimum number of votes. In his statement, the Russian envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said that all of the members of the UNSC understood from the beginning that both draft resolutions would not go through….