The Hidden Knowledge of Heterosexuality

The essence of masculinity is power. The essence of femininity is love. Men want power; women want love.

Heterosexuality is an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love.

The Illuminati is teaching women to seek power instead of love in order to neuter and destroy both sexes. A Trump test will be whether he stops this war on heterosexuals.

“A man will not care about something that doesn’t belong to him. He should find a woman who is prepared to belong to him, surrender power in exchange for love. The woman is the heart. The man is the head. A creature with two heads is a monster.”

I am grateful that I married a traditional woman.

I don’t sacrifice any freedom for love. I am in charge. My wife is comfortable with that. I am twice as free as when I was single.

My wife is passive by nature. Passivity is the natural female principle. The marriage of active (male) and passive (female) is the basis of heterosexuality.

But it is heresy to say so.

Women are now actually ashamed to be homemakers. How did this happen? How did motherhood go from being honored to being stigmatized? This transformation is the trajectory of Illuminist subversion of America. The Illuminists prefer women to be corporate widgets rather than wives and mothers.

A woman needs a man to love her. The notion that she should be “independent” and career-oriented is absurd. As though pounding a mail route is superior to making a home and caring for loved ones. As if obeying a boss is somehow superior to assisting the man who pledged his love and devotion to her.

There is no greater blessing than a woman whose grace, beauty and love warms a home like sunshine. There is no greater gift than the nurturing love she gives husband and children. Only Satanists would try to sabotage and destroy this love.


mommaslittlemanThe passive principle is the earth principle. The earth receives sunshine, water and seed and produces life. A woman receives a man’s seed and performs the miracle of human birth.

A woman in love wants to recreate her husband in her children.

Bearing and nurturing the young is the essence of female psychology.

They love (sacrifice themselves) and are loved in return.

A woman is not going to be loved permanently for her appearance or accomplishments. Love is not like that. We love the people who sacrifice for us.

Men also sacrifice by supporting their families and providing leadership. Happiness can only be found in self-sacrifice (love), not self-seeking. Human beings were designed to look after each other.


The Male Principle is the God Principle- purpose, energy, form and direction.

heterosexualityWomen want to look up to their husbands. They tend to seek men who are older and more successful. Why? They want their husband to be like their father was (or should have been), strong, capable, reliable, protective and nurturing.

More than anything, they are seeking emotional and physical security. They feel most secure when they feel possessed by a strong, loving man.

A man should prepare himself for this role. He should have a clear vision of what he wants to do with his life. If he is lost, he might ask God how he can serve Him. What was I born to do?

A man’s first passion should be his work – the source of his power. In contrast, a woman was not designed to get meaning from a career. A real woman’s primary career is her husband and family. A man’s job is to enable her to make that sacrifice securely.

Despite what feminists say, a man should never show weakness. The essence of masculinity is power. Women exchange power for love. When men do it, they become women.

A man should know what role he wants his wife to play. A man usually chooses on the basis of sexual attraction. What else does he want? I appreciate my wife’s reasonableness, intelligence, competence, and sense of humor. She has a graduate degree in Information technology. Think of the long haul. You spend 1% of your time having sex. You need someone who is easy to live with.

Most women were meant to be wives and mothers. A man should think about becoming a father and the responsibility this entails. He is not only providing for his offspring, but also teaching them to be good human beings. He is creating a new world, a family.

The man is the head; the woman is the heart.

Marriage is about dependence, not independence. It is about union, two people becoming one. For women, surrender of power is the essence of love. If a woman can’t trust a man with her life, she doesn’t love him and shouldn’t marry him.

The heterosexual contract is this. The husband has the power and he does his best within reason to make his wife happy. A man cannot love a woman if he doesn’t have the power to grant or deny her wishes.

But a man must keep his end of the contract, or the marriage is off. The same applies to a woman.

If she doesn’t respect his leadership, he needs to dump her.


feministsandwhichNobody has a problem with treating women as equal to men. Feminism treats women as though they were men. It portrays heterosexuality as pathology and discriminates against men. Women are favored for jobs so they will have careers instead of children and men can’t support their families.

Society is being sabotaged.

Bella Dodd, a former leader of the American Communist Party revealed: “The bourgeois family as a social unit was to be made obsolete.” The aim was to “create a new type of human being that would conform to the world they confidently expected to control.”

“First You Get the Women, Then You’ve Got the Children, So Follow the Men” -Adolph Hitler, another member of the Illuminati


We can fight the New World Order by having strong male-led families.

After a couple of marital mishaps, I finally have a frictionless marriage. My wife and I complement each other. She doesn’t compete, criticize, complain or try to control, the four C’s. She tells me if something is wrong. I try to make her happy. She’s part of me.

Because of her passive nature, I don’t have to constantly anticipate and meet her expectations. Rather she allows me to propose. Usually, she assents. When she doesn’t, we compromise. Her acquiescence empowers and completes me.

We disagree politically but that hasn’t been a problem. I want her heart, not her head.

I love her. She commits the unpardonable crime. She loves a man.

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Source: Henry Makow

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