This is the Real Donald Trump, Loud and Clear

This is the Real Donald Trump, Loud and Clear

In a combative, unprecedented, off-the-hook  press conference held Tuesday afternoon in the gilded lobby of Trump Tower in New York City, President Donald Trump alluded plaintively to the “massive, self-inflicted wound on our country,” one he termed “disgraceful.” Following the weekend of horrific violence at a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, one that showcased newly emboldened hatred in the U.S. and left one woman,…

After Charlottesville

After Charlottesville

Racism, exposed once more in the terror visited on Charlottesville, Va., still scars America. Hundreds of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, klansmen and other fervid racists gathered — some armed with assault rifles, wearing camouflage. They marched with lit torches, yelling Nazi slogans, looking for trouble. They provoked the violence, terrorized a city, and took the life…