Seizing Kirkuk

Seizing Kirkuk

Elite Iraqi security forces have captured the Kurdish government headquarters buildings in the centre of Kirkuk with the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordering the Iraqi flag to be raised over Kirkuk and other disputed territories. An Iraqi Oil Ministry official said that it would be “a very short time” before the Iraqi military seized all the oilfields…

Facespook! Social Media Giant Becomes Arm of US Intel

Facespook! Social Media Giant Becomes Arm of US Intel

Facebook, the world’s top social media platform, is reportedly seeking to hire hundreds of employees with US national security clearance licenses. Purportedly with the aim of weeding out “fake news” and “foreign meddling” in elections. If that plan, reported by Bloomberg, sounds sinister, that’s because it is. For what it means is that people who…

George Soros Prepares for All Out War. Pours $18 billion of his Own Cash Into His Open Society Foundations

George Soros Prepares for All Out War. Pours $18 billion of his Own Cash Into His Open Society Foundations

It looks like Dr. Evil is pushing for a final neo-liberal destabilization offensive before the 90 year old billionaire finally turns to dust. The globalist billionaire who has overthrown governments with violent coups (Ukraine), and seeded division and hate among Americans (BLM and ANTIFA) is gearing up for battle with the nation state anti-globalist movement…