India Needs to Calm Down

India under the Government of the extreme Hindu Nationalist Narendra Modi has been getting itself quite worked up over the past year. It was deeply disappointing and disturbing the outrageous, illegal, overly aggressive and appalling behaviour of the Indian Government and Indian army against the People’s Republic of China during the summer of 2017 regarding what is rightfully Chinese territory. The Indians had no business sending their army in such an aggressive and hostile manner to harass Chinese engineers in what was rightfully Chinese territory acting illegally and in the most childish and hyped up fashion.

This sadly and pathetically fits within a larger more disturbing but consistent pattern of appallingly aggressive, illegal and ridiculous behaviour by the Indian Government and Indian people against the magnificent and special People’s Republic of China [and also within the UK]. This is fuelled by nothing more than jealousy and envy at China’s rise and return to Superpower status this century and the fact that China is doing so well and is the dominant number one regional [and soon to be one day global] economic and military superpower. The writing is on the wall for all intelligent observers to see that the 21st century will be the Chinese century not the Indian century as some of the BJP and Congress had hoped and planned for.

The Indians have always harboured ambitions to be the number one Asian economic and military superpower but have been left far behind by the hard work, continuous effort, discipline, philosophy and smarts of the Chinese people, to be frank, the superiority of the Chinese model compared to the Indian model. As so often in life – within schools, within families, within universities, within work places – those that are envious and jealous of others who are naturally endowed and blessed with certain special gifts, will try to get at them and poke them in the eye, rile them, destabilize them, mock them, entrap them and bring them down to their mediocre level. But the Chinese are far too gifted and far too clever and dignified and it did not work this time over Bhutan and it will not work again in the future.

Hilariously after marching his army all the way up the Bhutan Pass, Mr. Modi, himself an extremely aggressive backwards Hindu nationalist, had to march his army all the way back down in a humiliating climb down when the Indians realized they were not going to get anywhere with their illegal and outrageously aggressive behaviour. It is not only in Asia along its border with China that the Indians have been playing up, behaving badly, and acting in the most appalling aggressive and disturbing manner. Here in the UK I recently found out that the Government of Narendra Modi ordered its Indian citizens resident in the UK who could vote in Britain [either through their links to the imperialist days of the British Raj or through the dubious and ridiculously out of control ‘British’ immigration system] to interfere in the internal political and constitutional affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by voting to Leave the European Union referendum in June 2016.
I wonder why India would want the UK to Leave the European Union? I severely doubt it is any great Indian desire to be reunited with their colonial British masters pre-1972. I also felt outraged that the Indian Government would seek to interfere in the internal sovereign democratic process of British democracy perhaps influencing one of the biggest geopolitical, social, cultural, constitutional, security and economic decisions for the United Kingdom’s [and Europe’s] future since World War II which should have been made by the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland alone, not in any way, influenced by the peculiar agenda of the right-wing nationalist Hindu BJP Indian Government.

Perhaps – rather than picking illegal fights with the great PRC, or ordering its citizens resident in the UK to vote to Leave the EU in an internal British political/constitutional referendum, or taking illegal rental income generated in the UK through UK property out of the UK without paying the proper British tax on it to be invested back into the Indian economy, or sending its Indian citizens on ‘pilgrimages’ to Chinese Tibet to spy on internal sovereign Chinese territory – the Indian Government of Narendra Modi should focus on putting its own house in order and calm down.

Despite some economic success the level of extreme inequality and extreme poverty in India is growing larger not smaller. Also how women are treated in India is frankly disgusting and barbaric. A woman is raped nearly every four seconds in India. Gang rapes are prevalent and the authorities do little to clamp down on it and bring the thugs to justice that carry out such barbarism. Recently it came to light that a 10-year-old Indian girl rape victim whose plea for an abortion from her parents was rejected by India’s Supreme Court gave birth to a baby girl in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh. The girl was raped repeatedly by her uncle for several months. The crime came to light when the victim was taken to hospital of complaining of a stomach ache where she was found to be over 30 weeks pregnant. On July 28, 2017 the Indian Supreme Court dismissed a plea from her parents seeking a termination forcing the 10 year old Indian rape victim to give birth to her Uncle’s child. This is grotesque and the Modi Government would be best advised to stop interfering illegally in the affairs of other more civilized nations and instead focus on putting its own house in order. In short, India needs to calm down and focus on its own internal affairs.

By Matthew Jamison
Source: Strategic Culture

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