Remote Controlled Killing: Drone Warfare Reduces Horrors of Conflict for Those Who Can Afford It

Remote Controlled Killing: Drone Warfare Reduces Horrors of Conflict for Those Who Can Afford It

Technology gives us the opportunity to wage war from afar at a greatly reduced risk to our armed forces. But is removing the horror of war a slippery slope to reducing the threshold for conflict? Going to war usually boosts a politician’s approval ratings and can be a useful distraction from domestic problems. Yet public…

Imperial Recovery and “Disappearing Workers”: Imperialism Expands, Living Standards Decline

Imperial Recovery and “Disappearing Workers”: Imperialism Expands, Living Standards Decline

Nero played his fiddle, Obama shot baskets and Trump twittered while their empires burned. What makes empire decay and what makes empires expand has everything to do with their relations between rulers and the ruled. Several factors are decisive. These include: (1) rent, land and housing, (2) the direction of living standards, (3) the rise…