Should the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Attempt to Solve the Kashmir Crisis?

Should the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Attempt to Solve the Kashmir Crisis?

The SCO correctly promises not to meddle  In 2017 when both India and Pakistan joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), the group made it clear that its official position was to treat the Kashmir crisis as an internal matter for both India and Pakistan and therefore the SCO would not directly mediate in the conflict…

Trump’s 1812 War Quip about Canada was Amusing but Embodied Exceptionalism

Trump’s 1812 War Quip about Canada was Amusing but Embodied Exceptionalism

Most Americans probably chuckled when they read the unverified reports that Trump blamed Canadians for burning down the White House during the War of 1812, though the quip itself embodied the exceptionalism that America is known for by selectively – and hypocritically – choosing one event in order to define a whole history of relations…

When, Where, and How Will the Empire Strike Back?

When, Where, and How Will the Empire Strike Back?

In any analysis of contemporary international politics it pays to be cautiously pessimistic. As the default mode one can generally expect that any way in which things can go wrong to threaten the peace and security of the planet, they will. Anticipation of improvement is a chump’s bet. That’s why the analyst’s gut instinct rebels at any indication that…

Manufacturing Dissent: US NGO’s Build Opposition in Thailand

Manufacturing Dissent: US NGO’s Build Opposition in Thailand

Should decidedly anti-British government organisations be found across the United Kingdom to be funded and directed by Russians, we could only imagine the reaction. Even whispers of hints of Russian influence have resulted in legislation, sanctions and quite literally years of punditry warning of the Kremlin’s insidious reach. When the tables are turned, it is…

US Media Urge Coup d’Etat in Venezuela

US Media Urge Coup d’Etat in Venezuela

US and other Western media violate core principles of what journalism is supposed to be – displaying shocking contempt for truth-telling. Major media press freedom in America and other Western nations is pure fantasy. Journalist AJ Liebling once said it’s “only for those who own one.” Michael Parenti’s book titled “Inventing Reality” was the first comprehensive…