Was Oslo Doomed from the Start?

Was Oslo Doomed from the Start?

When I first traveled to Israel-Palestine in 1994, during the heady early days of the Oslo peace process, I was expecting to see more of the joyful celebrations I’d watched on television at home. The emotional welcoming of Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat back to Palestine. The massive demonstrations for peace on the…

The New Viking Silk Road: The E-40 Waterway Project Linking the Baltic to the Black Sea

The New Viking Silk Road: The E-40 Waterway Project Linking the Baltic to the Black Sea

A Polish Canal Might Make All the Difference in Belarus’ “Balancing” Act The successful realization of the E-40 waterway project, a little-known initiative to link the Baltic and Black Seas via a renovated system of canals, might be enough to disrupt Belarus’ delicate “balancing” act in favor of the West if its crucial Polish component…