Gauging Ukraine with Russia and Belarus

Gauging Ukraine with Russia and Belarus

In the post-Soviet period, US foreign policy and media establishments have overhyped Ukrainian positives, while disproportionately highlighting the negatives in Russia and Belarus, Michael Averko writes. Among Western foreign policy establishment elites, a growing realism has developed on the shortcomings evident in Ukraine. This reality partly explains the somewhat limited Western mass media coverage of the just…

How America Selects Its Generals: A 30-Year, Single-Elimination, Suck-Up Tournament

How America Selects Its Generals: A 30-Year, Single-Elimination, Suck-Up Tournament

Americans assume that our generals, especially our top generals, are our best military leaders, proven in combat and selected based on their performance leading men in war. Surely you jest. Are the top officials in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare our best doctors? Our best teachers? Our best welfare doler-outers? OK. Maybe the…