China Displays Rock-Solid Support for Pakistan’s “Core Issue” of Kashmir

China Displays Rock-Solid Support for Pakistan’s “Core Issue” of Kashmir

The visit by Pakistan PM Imran Khan to Beijing on October 8-9 has been a runaway success from Islamabad’s perspective. It revved up the dynamics of the China-Pakistan Economic Cooperation projects, will most certainly intensify China-Pakistan defence cooperation and, importantly, reaffirmed the whole-hearted Chinese support on Kashmir at the highest level of leadership in Beijing….

Key Highlights of President Putin’s Interview with Arab Media

Key Highlights of President Putin’s Interview with Arab Media

President Putin gave an extensive interview to Arab media before departing for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but it’s useful to highlight some of the most relevant parts in case interested observers don’t have the time to watch it in full or skim through the transcript since the Russian leader powerfully refutes the Alt-Media narrative…

Another Interventionist “Success” Story

Another Interventionist “Success” Story

Not surprisingly, the interventionists are blaming their latest interventionist fiasco, this one in Syria, on President Trump. No, they say, the responsibility doesn’t fall on them and their morally bankrupt philosophy. The fault for their interventionist fiascos always lies with others. If only President Trump hadn’t betrayed the Kurds. If only he had kept those…