Let’s Never Lose Sight of the Fact That No Race has an Exclusive Monopoly on Racism

It’s always noble whenever people peacefully protest racism while abiding by the law of their lands, but it’s wrong for activists and their media allies alike to make it seem like it’s only Caucasian-Americans that are committing acts of racism against African-Americans when history proves that this scourge isn’t tied to any specific race, religion, ideology, nationality, or borders.


Racism Has No Race

The onset of the long-planned kinetic phase of the Hybrid War of Terror on America has brought the problem of racism back to the forefront of global attention, but that issue is being misportrayed by this conflict’s “grassroots” participants and their media allies alike to make it seem like it’s only Caucasian-Americans that are committing acts of racism against African-Americans. History, however, proves that this scourge isn’t tied to any specific race, religion, ideology, nationality, or borders, but pretending otherwise is a manipulation of historical truth that denies the existence of the countless victims of these crimes and is therefore nothing more than another weaponized narrative in pursuit of a political end. It’s always noble whenever people peacefully protest racism while abiding by the law of their lands wherever they may be, but it’s time to set the record straight in order to expose how many well-meaning folks are being taken advantage of as “useful idiots” to promote a variant of the “American Exceptionalist” agenda.

All Lives Matter

Racism exists, and it always has and always will because it’s a “convenient” way for some people to blame others for their problems in parallel with feeling a false sense of “superiority” vis-a-vis the conceptual “other”, which boosts their ego and thus brainwashes themselves into eschewing any personal responsibility for whatever socio-economic or political grievance they might have. It is not, however, exclusively practiced by Caucasian-Americans against African-Americans, but the worldwide attention to this particular but highly publicized (and politicized!) example gives off a very false impression about this problem. All lives matter — not just “black”, “white”, “yellow”, “brown”, “red”, or any other “color” ones. An African-American life is as equally important as an African life, the same as these two are on the same standing as a Muslim or Chinese one, for instance. That said, focusing solely on the cases of racism committed by Caucasian-Americans against African-Americans makes it wrongly seem like only those lives matter.

Alinksy’s Advice

There are several reasons why African-American victims are presented as being much more important than anyone else’s, the most obvious of which is political. Some Americans, but especially many non-Americans and their governments across the world, have an interest in exacerbating racial tensions inside the US for the purpose of achieving their shared goal of destabilizing the American government as revenge for whatever their particular grievance(s) may be (e.g. anger at racism, discontent with socio-economic disparities, disgust with its foreign policy, etc.). “The means justify the ends”, especially when viewed through the prism of Saul Alinksy’s infamous “Rules For Radicals“, so it’s “pragmatic” in a Machiavellian sense to apply maximum on American society over this issue in order to create problems for the same government that practically all of the people obsessing over this particular narrative of Caucasian-American racism against African-Americans hate. This is simply an objective observation of the strategic dynamics at play, not a value judgement in and of itself.

Black-On-Black Slavery

Regrettably, however, the self-interested application of Alinksy’s thirteenth and final rule to “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” ignores the history of racism across the world and focuses solely on the American example at the expense of all others. In addition, it only addresses the existence of Caucasian-American racism against African-Americans and strongly implies by default that the first-mentioned has an exclusive monopoly on this disgusting way of thinking and acting which isn’t true whatsoever. Unbeknownst to many, Anthony Johnson — a freed African slave — was the first “legally” recognized slave owner in American history. Moreover, the Afro-Arab “Tippu Tip” kidnapped tens of thousands of people from the East African hinterland prior to selling them into slavery, resulting in him being regarded as one of the most notorious slave masters in history. Those two men are just two objectively existing and easily verifiable examples debunking the false narrative that racism is the exclusive crime of Caucasian-Americans against African-Americans.

Prominent Examples Of Non-Black Racism

Other examples are more recent but no less powerful. Nazi Germany, the most lethal genocidal machine in human history, attempted to exterminate the Slavic people among many others purely because of the racist belief that they were “sub-humans”. Imperial Japan tried carrying out the exact same crime against the Chinese and other people that were living under the Empire’s occupation at that time too on the other side of the world. Nowadays, it’s enough to remember the several Serbocides (genocides against the Serbian people) throughout history and look at the widespread violence nowadays being committed against Indian Muslims by extremist Hindus to see that the politics of hatred can take any color, religion, ideology, nationality, or geography. There’s nothing wrong with passionate Americans and their supporters abroad peacefully protesting Caucasian-American racism against African-Americans, but the way in which they are their media allies have made it seem like no other instance of racism has ever occurred in history is extremely deceitful.

“Exceptionalists” Of All “Colors” Are Coming Out Of The Closet

Another reason why there’s an almost exclusive focus on that form of racism at the expense of others, apart from the self-interested ideological motivation of attempting to destabilize the US government for ideological reasons, is because many of the American participants in these latest events aren’t even conscious of their own “exceptionalism”. The author has no interest in identity politics and word games, but it’s nevertheless interesting to point out that many of the aforesaid participants do, yet their actions hypocritically go against the same message of “equality and respect for all” that they’re conveying. The -American suffix connected to the word African-American carries with it “exceptionalist” connotations in line with the the ideology of “American Exceptionalism” that’s wrongly conceptualized as being exclusively associated with Caucasian-Americans. That’s not true since the participants’ obsession with “freezing, personalizing, and polarizing” the victimization of African-Americans by Caucasian-American racists ignores the victimization of all other people in history.

“Historical Revisionism” vs. “Victimization Hierarchy”

To elaborate a bit more, everybody has the right to peacefully protest whatever issue that’s important to them as long as they follow the law, but presenting racism in literal “black and white” (or rather, “white-on-black”) terms misleads many impressionable minds into thinking that no other form has ever existed. This is beyond condescending and arguably veers into the realm of historical revisionism for the purpose of advancing the previously discussed ideological goal of destabilizing the US government. At the worst, it ignores the history of human suffering at the hands of racists of any race, religion, ideology, nationality, or border, or at the very least, it places African-Americans at the top of humanity’s “victimization hierarchy” all while preaching “equality and respect for all”. In other words, it is yet another, albeit cleverly disguised, variant of “American Exceptionalism” which hides behind the skin color of the country’s most prominent racial minority to trick normally clear-minded critics of the US into falling for the same “exceptionalist” narratives that they’d otherwise oppose.

By Andrew Korybko
Source: One World

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