A Few Historical Frauds: Einstein, Bell & Edison, Coca-Cola and the Wright Brothers

A Few Historical Frauds: Einstein, Bell & Edison, Coca-Cola and the Wright Brothers

There are only two nations in the world whose existence seems to be founded primarily on historical myths. In the US, false historical mythology permeates every nook and cranny of the American psyche, the result of more than 100 years of astonishing and unconscionable programming and propaganda, a massive crime against an entire population. This…

Busted: 11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear Not Fact

Busted: 11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear Not Fact

COVID assumptions – the assumptions people make about COVID, how dangerous it is, how it spreads and what we need to do to stop it – are running rampant, running far more wildly than the supposed virus SARS-CoV2 itself. The coldly calculated campaign of propaganda surrounding this ‘pandemic’ has achieved its aim. Besieged with a slew…