“Secure Tolerance”: The Jewish Plan to Permanently Silence the West, Part 2

“Secure Tolerance”: The Jewish Plan to Permanently Silence the West, Part 2

Go to Part 1. 2012–2015: The National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance Between 2012 and January 2015, Dinstein and three other experts on constitutional law, backed by Kantor’s ECTR developed a draft 12-page pan-European “tolerance law” for adoption by the European Union. The law was intended to “criminalize ‘group libel,’ such as negative stereotyping,…

Weird Science: COVID-19 Does NOT Cause Heart Damage, as Blockbuster Study had Basic Calculation Errors

Weird Science: COVID-19 Does NOT Cause Heart Damage, as Blockbuster Study had Basic Calculation Errors

A widely circulated scientific study reported that Covid-19 causes long-term heart problems. Its authors have been forced to issue major corrections after they wildly miscalculated the risk, but the damage has already been done. The scientific establishment wields a lot of power these days. The emergence of the novel coronavirus has elevated many career scientists…