What Comes Next For Trump Supporters Who Still ‘Trust the Plan’?

What Comes Next For Trump Supporters Who Still ‘Trust the Plan’?

They should be encouraged to pour their energy into joining third parties that most closely align with their beliefs or establish an “American Solidarity” movement instead of continuing to consume crazy theories emanating from the fringe corners of the internet. Other suggestions include volunteering with electoral and voter reform NGOs and those that have been…

India’s Arctic Strategy

India’s Arctic Strategy

The Indian government has unveiled its own Arctic strategy. A special government website says that “the importance of the Arctic for India is constantly growing, primarily due to the problems associated with climate change and global warming. India was granted observer status in the Arctic Council in 2013, becoming one of thirteen countries in the…

Psycho Pompeo Exits With Nary a Scratch of Media Criticism on Him

Psycho Pompeo Exits With Nary a Scratch of Media Criticism on Him

My eclectic news feed looks odd as the hours count down to the end of the Trump administration. Westerners are largely celebrating the exit of Donald Trump himself, whereas with those I follow from areas targeted by US imperialism, the man they’re happiest to see the back of is Mike Pompeo. It looks very bizarre,…

The Rubble of Empire

The Rubble of Empire

How can you tell when your empire is crumbling? Some signs are actually visible from my own front window here in San Francisco. Directly across the street, I can see a collection of tarps and poles (along with one of my own garbage cans) that were used to construct a makeshift home on the sidewalk….