10 Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency (And Best Food Sources of Vitamin B12)

10 Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency (And Best Food Sources of Vitamin B12)

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the brain, nerves, DNA and blood cells. Unfortunately, it becomes harder and harder for our bodies to absorb vitamin B12 as we age. In fact, 4 in every 100 women between age 40 and 60 have vitamin B12 deficiency. But age isn’t the only contributing factor – avoiding certain foods…

What the Top 10 Foods on Twitter Say About America’s Health and Habits

What the Top 10 Foods on Twitter Say About America’s Health and Habits

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave the University of Utah College of Health more than $700,000 to study mentions of food on Twitter to find out about Americans’ relationship with food. Guess what? Kale didn’t make the list; far from it, actually. [1] Researchers, led by assistant professor Quynh Nguyen, collected 80 million tweets from 2015-2016,…

It Is Official. Potato Chips are Carcinogenic BUT It Is Not Because of The Cooking Oil

It Is Official. Potato Chips are Carcinogenic BUT It Is Not Because of The Cooking Oil

California is currently the only state in the U.S. that forces the companies to disclose if their product contains a cancer-causing chemical right on the package and that includes everything that is manufactured. This make for an interesting food shopping trip. On my last vacation, I picked up a bag of Spicy Chile & Lime…

Turmeric: Better Than Aspirin For Heart Disease Prevention?

Turmeric: Better Than Aspirin For Heart Disease Prevention?

In a day and age where people identify heart disease prevention strategies with consuming what are essentally toxic chemicals like aspirin and statin drugs, it is refreshing to see clinical research being done on the powerfully cardioprotective properties of time-tested and much safer spices. A compelling new study published in the Journal of Nutrition and…