EU Desperate To Raises Taxes Starts Cashless Society Project

EU Desperate To Raises Taxes Starts Cashless Society Project

A few months back The Guardian ran an article stating that “Swedes are blazing a trail in Europe, with banks, buses, street vendors and even churches expecting plastic or virtual payment” as if the cashless society was something to be celebrated by modern society. “I don’t use cash any more, for anything,” said Louise Henriksson, 26,…

Here’s What Happens When a Currency Completely Breaks Down

Here’s What Happens When a Currency Completely Breaks Down

In Venezuela, hyperinflation has become so pitiful that shopkeepers are no longer bothering to actually count money. Instead, they’re weighing it… … as in literally pulling out a scale and weighing giant stacks of money. Do you want to buy a bottle of Coca Cola? That’ll be 1 kilo of currency please. One shopkeeper interviewed…

War on Cash: Now Spain

War on Cash: Now Spain

In other words, Spain is going to make cash transactions even more difficult. As of presstime, from what we can tell, this has yet to be reported anywhere in English media except here now at TDV. As you can see, the chaos is increasing. Combine cash bans with attacks on fake news (more on that…