

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the…

New initiative to Expose Kosovo Liberation Army Crimes to the World

New initiative to Expose Kosovo Liberation Army Crimes to the World

Veterans from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) terrorist organization feel confident that because they were once supported and backed by the US and Western Europe in their campaign to violently separate Kosovo from Serbia, they are immune from prosecution and believe that their crimes can remain hidden. However, Milovan Drecun, the president of the Working…

Germany, France and the EU Succumb to US Digital Hegemony

Germany, France and the EU Succumb to US Digital Hegemony

It is official. President of France, Emmanuel Macron, on Monday 14, 2020, conceded that Europe has lost the battle for data security and cloud computing. The continent cannot compete against America. Not that France could have asserted any claims to power; the fate of Europe was decided in Germany. The German government last year announced Berlin’s own “European…

The Truth About Indian Media’s Anti-Chinese Hybrid War Claims

The Truth About Indian Media’s Anti-Chinese Hybrid War Claims

I’m uniquely qualified to speak on the topic of Hybrid Warfare since my 2015 book on the topic, “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change”, was cited twice by the NATO Defense College as an example of the Russian understanding of this concept. The Indian Express published at least three reports on Monday…

The Middle East Strategic Realignment Reverberates Through South Asia

The Middle East Strategic Realignment Reverberates Through South Asia

As momentous as the slow collapse of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the strategic reorientation within the Middle East is, its impact on South Asia will also be momentous. There is an unfortunate tendency in U.S. strategic circles to compartmentalize by geography: China watchers look at China, but for too long ignored its inroads in Africa…