Trump’s Wrong: Biden Isn’t Brainwashed, He’s the Perfect Puppet!

Trump’s Wrong: Biden Isn’t Brainwashed, He’s the Perfect Puppet!

Trump’s recent claim that Biden is “brainwashed” by the most radical members of his party is wrong since the visibly senile candidate is incapable of thinking for himself, which is actually why he was chosen as the party’s front-runner since he’s destined to be a puppet implementing the “deep state’s” foreign policy demands and the…

Hong Kong Security Law Is Common Sense, Not Controversial

Hong Kong Security Law Is Common Sense, Not Controversial

China’s special administration region of Hong Kong saw the passing of a security law outlawing acts universally recognized as criminal and threats to any nation’s security and sovereignty. Despite what would appear to be common sense legislation, the Western media has cried “controversy.” While the West claims it fears curbs on freedoms inside China –…

The China-Iran Deal: It’s Not About Business But Geopolitical Poker

The China-Iran Deal: It’s Not About Business But Geopolitical Poker

Hobbled by harsh US sanctions and a global economic downturn, Iran has discovered a new opportunity: hot air that carries messages to its opponents. China, albeit far less economically impaired, sees virtue in the business too. A proposed 25-year humongous China-Iran cooperation deal has proven to be good business. Realms of media reporting and analysis…

Setting Pompeo Loose on the Concept of ‘Human Rights’ Is a Warning the US Is About to Violate a Lot More

Setting Pompeo Loose on the Concept of ‘Human Rights’ Is a Warning the US Is About to Violate a Lot More

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has unveiled what he calls a “moral foreign policy,” attempting to limit other nations’ power to declare unalienable human rights. The aim, as usual, is legitimizing the American empire’s abuses. The 60-page preliminary report, released on Thursday, is the product of a year’s work from an advisory panel Pompeo…

Turkey Decides to Fight against Social Media

Turkey Decides to Fight against Social Media

Today, hardly anyone would argue that social media controlled by the US and its Western allies like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., are becoming increasingly active in the internal life of many countries, provoking mass protests and political unrest time and time again. The Turkish leadership has recently begun to react quite sensitively to such actions…