The Psycho Revealed: Trumpenstein Removes his Mask

The Psycho Revealed: Trumpenstein Removes his Mask

I submit that Trumpenstein is mentally deranged. He is simply not fit to hold the office of president, even if Jews were not pulling the strings. The thing is, Trumpenstein is escalating conflict everywhere. He’s loosening the rules of engagement and killing people en masse. Tillerson is now making statements about “punishing criminals” anywhere in…

What Does an “America-First” Foreign Policy Actually Mean?

What Does an “America-First” Foreign Policy Actually Mean?

What does an “America-first” foreign policy look like under President Donald Trump? As a start, forget the ancient label of “isolationism.” With the end of Trump’s first 100 days approaching, it looks more like a military-first policy aimed at achieving global hegemony, which means it’s a potential doomsday machine. Candidate Trump vowed he’d make the…

US Struggles to Put an End to the Deadly Drug Abuse Epidemic

US Struggles to Put an End to the Deadly Drug Abuse Epidemic

The fact that the United States is losing its desperate battle against such deadly drugs as heroin and fentanyl has already been reported by various media sources, including prominent publications like Economist. Last February, in his address to members of the US Congress, US President Donald Trump promised to put an end to America’s “terrible drug epidemic.”…