Accelerating Albania and North Macedonia Membership EU Tries to Save Face Amidst Coronavirus Debacle

Accelerating Albania and North Macedonia Membership EU Tries to Save Face Amidst Coronavirus Debacle

The European Union’s decision to open negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania is a propaganda act from Brussels that attempts to reassure members of the Union that countries, even in the midst of the epidemic, want to become members of the organization. This is a cheap propaganda trick that attempts to restore confidence in the…

The Post-WWII Albania And Kosovo

The Post-WWII Albania And Kosovo

As in neighboring Yugoslavia, the communist revolutionary guerrilla forces, established by the aid and crucially supported by the Yugoslav communists led by local Albanian communist leader Enver Hoxha, took over the power in Albania in 1944.[1] From 1945 to 1948 Albania was under the strong influence of Titoist Yugoslavia and both counties being under the…

Greater Albania Project Is Accelerating as Kosovo’s Statehood Is in Question

Greater Albania Project Is Accelerating as Kosovo’s Statehood Is in Question

Clear indications have been made that there is a project for a Greater Albania and it is progressing ahead, especially as the world’s attention is focussed on and distracted by the coronavirus, Libya and Syria’s Idlib province. The ultimate goal of Albania was to absorb Kosovo and the Preševo Valley in Serbia, southern Montenegro, Epirus in Greece and western North Macedonia…

Why Did the Macedonian-Albanian Leader Refuse to ‘Pull a Kosovo’?

Why Did the Macedonian-Albanian Leader Refuse to ‘Pull a Kosovo’?

Macedonian-Albanian leader Ali Ahmeti revealed late last week that he refused to go along with the plot to partition his country, which naturally begs the question of why he didn’t want to “pull a Kosovo” when powerful forces were obviously lobbying him real hard to do so. *** USAID Fake News Exposed Ali Ahmeti, the…

Аbout Greater Serbia

Аbout Greater Serbia

Much space, time and efforts have been devoted in the recent history of West Balkans, and in particular in the latest political upheavals, about the alleged project of a Greater Serbia especially by the Western authors either academic scholars or journalists.[1] The issue must be, however, considered together with its counterparts from Croatia (a Greater…

Serbia Is Surrendering to Greater Albania

Serbia Is Surrendering to Greater Albania

The geopolitical project of “Greater Albania” received unprecedented support from an extremely unlikely source after Serbia surprisingly surrendered to the policy of passport-free travel for its Albanian and Macedonian neighbors by 2021 as part of an entirely voluntarily initiative that Belgrade believes will boost its prospects of one day joining the EU but which dangerously…