

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the…

How Can the Deep State’s Antifa Organization Be Stopped?

How Can the Deep State’s Antifa Organization Be Stopped?

Antifa has become a pseudo-fascist tool in the Color Revolution underway, as part of a coup against the executive branch’s administration, and the massive geopolitical and economic shift that administration represents. The methods of the 2016 election would see Trump win by an even wider Electoral College margin in 2020. For these reasons, it was…

American Bloodlands

American Bloodlands

The tinder that could soon ignite widespread violent conflagrations throughout the United States lies ominously stacked around us. Millions of disenfranchised white Americans, who see no way out of their economic and social misery, struggling with an emotional void, are seething with rage against a corrupt ruling class and bankrupt liberal elite that presides over…

It’s Gonna Blow

It’s Gonna Blow

Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready. No one is in charge in this collapsing shell game of a country. In Louisville hundreds of armed blacks threaten to “burn the motherfucker…

Will Hillary and the Dems Get the Civil War They Are Trying to Provoke?

Will Hillary and the Dems Get the Civil War They Are Trying to Provoke?

If you have not already seen this, check out this video of Hillary Clinton stating that, quote, “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances“: “Any” means “any”. That would include the (admittedly hypothetical) case of Trump clearly winning by a landslide. Again, “any” means “any”. The direct implications of that is that the Dems…