The Balfour Declaration: A Study in British Duplicity

The Balfour Declaration: A Study in British Duplicity

It’s been nearly 100 years since the document changed the course of history, yet Britain still fails to acknowledge Israel’s denial of the Palestinian right to national self-determination – and its own complicity. The Balfour Declaration, issued on 2 November 1917, was a short document which changed the course of history. It committed the British…

100 Years Later, the West has Authored a New Balfour Declaration for the Balkans

100 Years Later, the West has Authored a New Balfour Declaration for the Balkans

In 1917, a British aristocrat promised Arab land to European Zionists. The results have been catastrophic. Today, western elites are promising Orthodox Christian lands in the Balkans to Albanians who all ready occupy part of Serbia thanks to NATO. The results will be equally disastrous. The illegal 1999 NATO war on Yugoslavia caused two parallel…

Nakba History and the Origins of the Jewish State : the Role of the Balfour Declaration

Nakba History and the Origins of the Jewish State : the Role of the Balfour Declaration

The Balfour Declaration, issued on November 2, 1917, committed Britain to set up Palestine — then part of the Ottoman Empire — as a Jewish homeland; it was an extraordinary letter from the Government of Britain to a member of the banking house of Rothschild. As Arthur Koestler noted, ” One nation solemnly promised to…