Despite U.S. Bluff and Bluster, Pentagon’s Bioweapon Threat to Russia and China Is Serious

Despite U.S. Bluff and Bluster, Pentagon’s Bioweapon Threat to Russia and China Is Serious

We must take into account the Pentagon’s threat to Russia from its undeniable bioweapons program in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week that his country had “no choice” but to intervene militarily in Ukraine to halt a genocide against the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass and neutralize the growing national security threat to…

And What About Those Biolabs?

And What About Those Biolabs?

The semi-official United States government plus media lie machine knows that constructing a plausible reason to bomb the crap out of someone all depends on where you begin your narrative. If you keep starting your accusations at a point where the target has done something bad, all you have to do is repeat yourself over…

A New Type of International Control Over Biological Objects in Ukraine Is Required

A New Type of International Control Over Biological Objects in Ukraine Is Required

If the UN is unable to perform its functions, then only one effective measure remains: aimed at creating an association of a number of countries wishing to remain clean in all respects. Only in this case will there be a guarantee of protection of their peoples from external viruses and other mass poisons. The UN…