The Art of the Back-Pedal

The Art of the Back-Pedal

It is a hallmark of right-wing populists to make a preposterous policy and then be forced — by opposition, by circumstance, by the laws of physics — to retreat.  Three very recent examples involve Donald Trump, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The backpedaling might look very similar in all…

BREXIT – Yes or No – A Deal Prearranged Three Years Ago

BREXIT – Yes or No – A Deal Prearranged Three Years Ago

Prime Minister Boris Johnson came back from Brussels with a deal better than any Theresa May ever achieved, so he says. His talks with the departing European Commissioner, Jean-Claude Juncker, were very fruitful. But precise details are never known. Juncker, emotional about his leaving and handing over the office of EU Commissioner on 1 November…

UK Brexit Crisis: The Next Few Weeks Could Shape Britain for Decades to Come

UK Brexit Crisis: The Next Few Weeks Could Shape Britain for Decades to Come

A man wearing tracksuit bottoms, a hoodie and an untucked shirt slouches into a Tory Party conference. He is tall, balding and in his mid-forties.  His every move is filmed or photographed by a platoon of cameramen as he’s followed by an entourage of loyal retainers. It’s a well-documented contemporary phenomenon that powerful men in…