The Russian-China Polar Silk Road Challenges British Geopolitics

The Russian-China Polar Silk Road Challenges British Geopolitics

Whether the Arctic will become a platform for cooperation or warfare has been a question often posed throughout the past 150 years. As early as 1875, a vision for Eurasian-American cooperation was becoming realized as leading Americans and Russians alike foresaw the construction of telegraph and even rail lines across the 100 km Bering Strait…

Canada Mobilizes Support for US Coup in Venezuela

Canada Mobilizes Support for US Coup in Venezuela

Canada’s Liberal government is front and center in Washington’s drive to overthrow Venezuela’s elected president, Nicolas Maduro, and install a virulent right-wing regime that will throw open the country—site of the world’s largest oil reserves—to unbridled imperialist exploitation. Earlier this week, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland hosted a meeting in Ottawa of members of the…

The “Brave New (Saudi-)Canadian” Shows that Renouncing Islam Might Lead to Asylum

The “Brave New (Saudi-)Canadian” Shows that Renouncing Islam Might Lead to Asylum

18-year-old Saudi citizen Rahaf al-Qunun ran away from her family during a vacation in Kuwait after boarding a flight to Thailand where she planned to transit en route to Australia after asking for asylum. She claimed that her family physically and mentally abused her and that she’d face certain death if she returned home after…

Trudeau Does Trump's Dirty Work, Bites Off More China Dragon Than He Can Chew

Trudeau Does Trump's Dirty Work, Bites Off More China Dragon Than He Can Chew

Bending to the will of Washington, Canadian PM Trudeau is on a collision course with Beijing following the arrest of a senior Huawei executive in December. What sort of madness motivated Trudeau to make such a decision? Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 47, is famous for his good looks and quick smile, but unfortunately being…