Russia, China, and the US’ Integration Models Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

Russia, China, and the US’ Integration Models Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

Russia, China, and the US are each promoting three separate integration models emphasizing conservatism, connectivity, and competitiveness, respectively, but each of their defining characteristics don’t make them mutually exclusive of one another, and it would be to the benefit of every country that they incorporate parts of all three as they navigate the ongoing global…

The 1508 League of Cambrai and BRICS Today: How Not to Repeat History

The 1508 League of Cambrai and BRICS Today: How Not to Repeat History

“The nature of the time, most serene prince, requires this, an observance of an old proverb, which enjoins kissing the hand we are unable to cut off” Sebastien Guistinian, Venetian Ambassador to England’s Henry VIII The Russia-China alliance has become an unstoppable powerhouse of visionary infrastructure projects across the Arctic, Eurasia, Africa and Europe exemplified…

The Indian Navy Sent a Series of Hostile Signals to China Earlier This Month

The Indian Navy Sent a Series of Hostile Signals to China Earlier This Month

India discredited its own policy of supposedly seeking a rapprochement with China after its navy sent a series of hostile signals to the People’s Republic earlier in the month confirming that the South Asian state regards its communist neighbor as a serious security threat on the high seas. *** India’s policy of so-called “multi-alignment” suffered…