The Global Reset Scam

The Global Reset Scam

This article takes a tilt at increasing speculation about statist global resets, and why plans such as those promoted by the World Economic Forum will fail. Central bank digital currencies will simply run out of time. Instead, the collapse of unbacked fiat currencies will end all supra-national government solutions to their policy failures. Already, there…

How to Talk to Deep State Deniers

How to Talk to Deep State Deniers

Anti-Trump activists attempt to delegitimize any analysis of factionalism in the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”), which they outright deny has ever existed anywhere at any time in the history of the world, but this can be powerfully counteracted by sharing some ancient and contemporary historical examples which will force all but…

Biden’s America Would Be a Dystopian Hellhole

Biden’s America Would Be a Dystopian Hellhole

If Biden’s “deep state” backers succeed in their rolling coup attempt against Trump, then America risks transforming into a dystopian hellhole within the next four years in the event that their puppet successfully implements their vision for the country’s future. The “Deep State’s” Psyop The decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America reached a new…

It’s Politically Prudent for President Putin Not to Congratulate Biden Just Yet

It’s Politically Prudent for President Putin Not to Congratulate Biden Just Yet

Russia wisely avoided falling into the trap of prematurely congratulating Biden as the so-called “projected” “President-Elect” since it would have then been accused of “meddling” by the Trump Administration had it done so and would thus be blamed for exacerbating the US’ ever-intensifying political crisis, which could in turn be exploited by both political parties…