Algeria: The Iceberg That Could Sink Emmanuel Macron

Algeria: The Iceberg That Could Sink Emmanuel Macron

After surviving several assassination attempts by French partisans of Algérie Française , Charles de Gaulle in March 1962 signed a peace agreement ending French sovereignty over Algeria. The war for Algerian independence had been long and vicious, marked by terrorism and torture. Everyone who mattered in French politics believed in 1954 that Algeria was an integral part of France,…

The Macron Implosion – Will it Spread to Other EU Members?

The Macron Implosion – Will it Spread to Other EU Members?

The Yellow Vest Movement – weekend 8 and 9 December – Round 4. Some say, they are the worst riots in France since the student-driven mini-Revolution of May 1968. Over the four weekends, hundreds of thousands were in the streets, middle class people, from students to workers to outright employees and housewives. The police force…

The French People Feel Screwed

The French People Feel Screwed

On December 4, French Prime Minister Édouard Phillipe told deputies of the ruling party, “La République en Marche”, that a proposed fuel tax rise, which had led to the largest protests France has seen in decades, would be suspended. The protesters, called Gilets-Jaunes — “Yellow Vests,” because of the vests drivers are obliged by the…

Macron’s European Army has Arrived. It Goes by the Name Gilets Jaunes

Macron’s European Army has Arrived. It Goes by the Name Gilets Jaunes

Anyone who’s ever tasted teargas will attest how unpleasant it is. I tasted it in Paris on Saturday 8 December as the city turned into a war zone. This being said, the lack of a concrete political programme and coherent ideology, though a strength now, may prove the movement’s undoing down the line. Because it’s…

French Lessons

French Lessons

French people are standing up for their rights and speaking out for many others around the world who are sick at the injustice of capitalism. None more so than people of Western states who have had to endure decades of economic austerity while a tiny elite become ever more obscenely wealthy. In addition to the irrational…