The Kurds are Ethnically Cleansing Arabs from Raqqa, and the World is Silent

The Kurds are Ethnically Cleansing Arabs from Raqqa, and the World is Silent

The global media — to their credit – are focusing on the brutality of the US-backed Raqqa campaign, though they’re avoiding any serious reporting about how and why the Kurds are ethnically cleansing Arabs from Raqqa. According to available reliable information, in early June ISIL terrorists entered into collusion with the command of the Kurdish…

Judeo-Centrism: Myths and Mania

Judeo-Centrism: Myths and Mania

Introduction Ethno-religious (ER) beliefs and practices have been harmless when individuals or groups linked to those practices have limited influence over the state and economy. In contrast, when such groups exercise a disproportionately powerful influence over the state and economy, they dominate and exploit majorities while forming closed self-replicating networks. Examples of powerful ethno-centric regimes…