It’s Premature to Cheer the EU’s Desired Strategic Autonomy After the Afghan Fiasco

It’s Premature to Cheer the EU’s Desired Strategic Autonomy After the Afghan Fiasco

Some in the Alt-Media Community naively hoped over the years that the EU’s desired strategic autonomy would lead to it becoming less willing to participate in American-led wars but it actually turns out that US President Joe Biden’s partial embrace of so-called “Trumpist Principles” might result in the bloc’s members unilaterally acting in places and/or…

The Afghanistan Debacle: When Will They Ever Learn?

The Afghanistan Debacle: When Will They Ever Learn?

President Biden should reset in the Marshall mode and concentrate on forging amity and cooperation while combating the real enemies of humanity Following World War Two, Europe was reeling from the devastation of so many years of savagery that it seemed it might never recover. The casualty figures are staggering, with, in addition to the…

Afghan Aftermath… Europe Braces for Another U.S.-Induced Migration Crisis

Afghan Aftermath… Europe Braces for Another U.S.-Induced Migration Crisis

Regarding the Biden administration and its unctuous professions of transatlantic unity, the European governments must be wondering… with friends like that who needs enemies? President Joe Biden vowed “America is back” when he took office, meaning that Washington would realign with and respect European allies under its global leadership after the years of Trump discord….