Cambridge Analytica & The Facebook-Big Data Conspiracy

Cambridge Analytica & The Facebook-Big Data Conspiracy

The Guardian published an exposé about how Cambridge Analytica allegedly mastered the use of social media data to give the Brexit and Trump campaigns a crucial edge in 2016. The UK news outlet released an extensive story about Christopher Wylie, the Canadian genius behind the Cambridge Analytica data firm that was reportedly the secret weapon…

Face It: Cambridge Analytica Story Proves Facebook Doesn’t Give a Toss About Privacy or Democracy

Face It: Cambridge Analytica Story Proves Facebook Doesn’t Give a Toss About Privacy or Democracy

Mainstream media have obsessed over Russia’s alleged use of Facebook to swing the 2016 US election. In reality, it was actually a shady British data-mining firm that was running pro-Trump Facebook propaganda campaigns. Irony doesn’t feel like strong enough a word. Which is worse: Russia allegedly buying a few hundred Facebook ads, with the goal…

It’s Time to Protect Yourself — and Your Friends — From Facebook

It’s Time to Protect Yourself — and Your Friends — From Facebook

Remember the Marlboro Man? He was a sexy vision of the American west, created by a cigarette corporation to sell a fatal product. People knew this and used that product anyway, at great detriment to themselves and those around them who quietly inhaled toxic secondhand smoke, day into long night. An agreement between states and…