Here’s What Can be Learned from the Indo-Sino Disengagement Decision

Here’s What Can be Learned from the Indo-Sino Disengagement Decision

China accepts that India already made its geopolitical choice to become the US’ proxy in “containing” the People’s Republic, but it would prefer for their seemingly inevitable “decoupling” to be as manageable as possible, hence why it’s helping its rival “save face” by mutually disengaging for now. *** China and India decided to pull back…

Russia Did It Again – Chasing the Bounty Hunters

Russia Did It Again – Chasing the Bounty Hunters

Russia did it again. This time Moscow is accused of “paying to kill Americans”. How criminal! Such things only Americans would do – Washington, the Pentagon, CIA…. Because killing and have killed is in their mindset and bloodstream. That’s what criminals do: They project their own crimes onto others. The latest NYT reporting is, “It’s…

Russia Bounty-Hunter Story Another Pulp Fiction Release

Russia Bounty-Hunter Story Another Pulp Fiction Release

The main peddlers of the alleged Russian-sponsored bounty-hunter scheme in Afghanistan against US troops are the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN. All three have excelled in publishing a series of pulp fiction-style stories over the past four years to discredit President Trump and demonize Russia. From allegations of Russian meddling in elections to…

The Truth About Russian-Taliban Ties Is as Intriguing as the Fake News About Them

The Truth About Russian-Taliban Ties Is as Intriguing as the Fake News About Them

Russia doesn’t exploit the Taliban as a proxy for killing Americans, but seeks to nurture equally close relations with it along the lines of the ones that it presently enjoys with Pakistan. Moscow seems to believe that the group will likely return to power one of these days (ideally through peaceful means), so it makes…