Deciphering the Deep State’s Latest Kim Jong-Un Conspiracy

Deciphering the Deep State’s Latest Kim Jong-Un Conspiracy

CNN’s report from a single unnamed US government source that the North Korean leader “is in grave danger after undergoing a previous surgery” isn’t all that credible, but the very fact that it’s being pushed so strongly at this particular moment says a lot about the intentions of the network’s “deep state” patrons. *** The…

Hindu Extremists Ridiculously Believe That Muslims Are Responsible for World War C

Hindu Extremists Ridiculously Believe That Muslims Are Responsible for World War C

Hindu extremists are scapegoating Indian Muslims for World War C after a cluster of the country’s COVID-19 cases was traced to a massive religious gathering at the beginning of March, with this ridiculous narrative building upon society’s preexisting hated of minorities and being fanned by an influential ideologue from the ruling BJP. *** Buzzfeed News…

Why Did Iran Spread Fake News About Russia Dispatching Troops to Afghanistan?

Why Did Iran Spread Fake News About Russia Dispatching Troops to Afghanistan?

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zaharova furiously slammed the fake news report last week which alleged that Presidential Envoy for Afghanistan Kabulov supposedly said that his country was considering dispatching troops to Afghanistan upon the government’s request, specifically noting that the false statement was attributed to Kabulov by only one internet edition (which just so happened…

Fake News Starts in Washington: Perception Management and Influence Operations Manipulate Public Opinion

Fake News Starts in Washington: Perception Management and Influence Operations Manipulate Public Opinion

It is perhaps unusual to have a government that has as much disregard for what most would consider to be the truth as does the current group of rascals running the United States of America. To be sure, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is as shameless a liar as has ever been seen on any…

China Isn’t ‘Weaponizing Visas’, It’s Ensuring Journalistic Integrity and Ethics

China Isn’t ‘Weaponizing Visas’, It’s Ensuring Journalistic Integrity and Ethics

The only ones “weaponizing visas” were the WSJ “journalists”, not the Chinese government. These individuals, possibly at the behest of their employer (it’s not yet clear whether they were acting on their own initiative or at the orders of their company’s top staff), deceived the authorities about their intended actions in the country and abused…