Red Lines & Lost Credibility

Red Lines & Lost Credibility

A major goal of this Asia trip, said National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, is to rally allies to achieve the “complete, verifiable and permanent denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.” Yet Kim Jong Un has said he will never give up his nuclear weapons. He believes the survival of his dynastic regime depends upon them….

Donald Trump’s Best New Policy in the Middle East Would be No New Policy

Donald Trump’s Best New Policy in the Middle East Would be No New Policy

President Trump’s stance on conflict in the Middle East is a mixture of bellicose threats and demonisation of opponents combined with rather more cautious and carefully calculated action or inaction on the ground. Leaders in Baghdad, Damascus, Riyadh and Tehran face the same problem as those in Tokyo and London, uncertain where the rhetoric ends and the reality…

Trump is Signaling an Unprecedented Right Turn on Foreign Policy

Trump is Signaling an Unprecedented Right Turn on Foreign Policy

Every few years — sometimes four, sometimes eight — America’s political mood swings from one pole to another. It’s a not-uncommon disorder for democracies. Voters get disgusted with one flavor of politics and opt for another. For better or worse, the United States doesn’t have a Baskin-Robbins democracy. So, the vacillations in Americans’ political taste…

The Pentagon is Spending $2 Billion Running Soviet-Era Guns to Syrian Rebels

The Pentagon is Spending $2 Billion Running Soviet-Era Guns to Syrian Rebels

The U.S. Department of Defense is reportedly still funneling billions of dollars’ worth of Soviet-era weaponry to anti-Islamic State groups in Syria, with questionable oversight. In a joint report published Tuesday, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) allege that the Pentagon has given up to $2.2…