Tale of Two Uprisings: Ukraine’s Maidan Got McCain & Cookies, French Yellow Vests Get Shunned

Tale of Two Uprisings: Ukraine’s Maidan Got McCain & Cookies, French Yellow Vests Get Shunned

Unlike the 2014 Ukraine uprising, which witnessed invasive meddling on the part of US politicians and diplomats, Western support for the French Yellow Vest protests has been conspicuously missing in action. With the streets of Paris ablaze for a fourth weekend in a row, as a swarm of Yellow Vests assert themselves against a French…

Who Does Emmanuel Macron Owe?

Who Does Emmanuel Macron Owe?

Emmanuel Macron did not feel destined for a career in politics. As a young man, he hoped to become a philosopher, then a senior civil servant, then a business banker. To help him on his way, he frequented Uncle Sam’s fairy godmothers – the French-American Foundation and the German Marshall Fund of the United States….

The Macron Implosion – Will it Spread to Other EU Members?

The Macron Implosion – Will it Spread to Other EU Members?

The Yellow Vest Movement – weekend 8 and 9 December – Round 4. Some say, they are the worst riots in France since the student-driven mini-Revolution of May 1968. Over the four weekends, hundreds of thousands were in the streets, middle class people, from students to workers to outright employees and housewives. The police force…

The French People Feel Screwed

The French People Feel Screwed

On December 4, French Prime Minister Édouard Phillipe told deputies of the ruling party, “La République en Marche”, that a proposed fuel tax rise, which had led to the largest protests France has seen in decades, would be suspended. The protesters, called Gilets-Jaunes — “Yellow Vests,” because of the vests drivers are obliged by the…