Israeli British Company G4S to Handle Security Measures During Hajj in Saudi Arabia

Israeli British Company G4S to Handle Security Measures During Hajj in Saudi Arabia

Muslim pilgrims have to wear electronic bracelets made by a British security firm while performing the annual Hajj. G4S security company has reportedly concluded a deal with the government of Saudi Arabia to make and distribute electronic bracelets on millions of pilgrims as a new security measure meant to ‘provide care and identify people’. The…

The Chaos Company – G4S

The Chaos Company – G4S

 Wherever governments can’t—or won’t—maintain order, from oil fields in Africa to airports in Britain and nuclear facilities in America, the London-based “global security” behemoth G4S has been filling the void. It is the world’s third-largest private-sector employer and commands a force three times the size of the British military. On-site in South Sudan with G4S…

Orlando Nightclub Shooting: Yet Another False Flag?

Orlando Nightclub Shooting: Yet Another False Flag?

It sure walks, talks and quacks like one By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor They’re calling it “the worst US terror attack since 9/11.” A Muslim is being blamed for shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing more than fifty people.In the recently-published Another French False Flag, former CIA clandestine services officer Robert…