Warning! Masculinity Is Hazardous to Men’s Health, Says American Psychological Association

Warning! Masculinity Is Hazardous to Men’s Health, Says American Psychological Association

Remember those age-old male traits from a more chivalric, less neurotic epoch, like ruggedness, stoicism, individualism and masculinity? Well, you can chuck them into the dumpster outside your local gender studies classroom because they have just been branded harmful to your health. Although ‘masculinity’ once upon a time helped ‘privileged males’ tame the American wilderness,…

Boy Skirts of America: Century-Old Youth Club Caves to PC Police

Boy Skirts of America: Century-Old Youth Club Caves to PC Police

The oldest youth group in the US has undergone a ‘sex-change’ operation of sorts by declaring itself a ‘gender neutral’ outfit. Such a move does a considerable disservice to both American men and women. Founded in 1910 by the American media magnate and explorer William D. Boyce, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) provided a…

Playing the Gender Card

Playing the Gender Card

In this age of feminism, if you can feature a female in your story, the more likely you gain empathy with audiences these days. For example, just look at the Happy Egg Company that panders to women, claiming it houses its hens (called “their girls”) in large pastures instead of cages and treats their birds…