Genetically Modified Babies. The Genetic Editing of Human Life

Genetically Modified Babies. The Genetic Editing of Human Life

Last November, He Jiankui, a Chinese biology Associate Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUST)in Shenzhen (Guangdong Province) announced that he and his team had created the World’s first “genetically edited babies”: twin babies Lula and Nana. Dr. He Jiankui, used the CRISPR technology “to alter the embryos of seven couples [allegedly] to make…

China’s Golem Babies: There is Another Agenda

China’s Golem Babies: There is Another Agenda

The shocking news that a team of scientists working in China have managed to gene-edit the DNA of recently-born human twins to allegedly make them genetically immune to a HIV infection is more than bizarre and irresponsible. It suggests that certain researchers are making dangerous experiments to create ultimately the eugenics master dream—custom-designed humans. I…

“Designer Babies” Could Lead to “Super Cyborg” and Bioweapons Arms Races

“Designer Babies” Could Lead to “Super Cyborg” and Bioweapons Arms Races

A Chinese scientist claims to be the first person to genetically engineer babies. According to Professor He Jiankui, he used the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology to make it so that two twin girls were born immune to HIV, justifying his unconfirmed but nevertheless ultra-controversial actions on the basis of wanting to be a trailblazer and…

Rogue Science Strikes Again: The Case of the First Gene-Edited Babies

Rogue Science Strikes Again: The Case of the First Gene-Edited Babies

The idea of scientists tinkering with the genes of babies was once the provenance of science fiction, but now it’s apparently entered the realm of reality: On Nov. 26, Chinese scientist He Jiankui reported the historic live births of twin girls whose genes he had edited. The goal may have been noble: to use CRISPR…