15 Minute Cities: Where Israel Leads, Europe’s Forrest Gumps Follow

15 Minute Cities: Where Israel Leads, Europe’s Forrest Gumps Follow

Those excluded little Palestinians, like Zelensky’s hapless prisoners, are not stakeholders in their sick societies and nor are any champions they currently have. If there is a bright side to Israel’s current campaign of ethnic cleansing in the West Bank’s cage city of Jenin, it is that we can no longer deny this ongoing Nakba…

The Armed Revolt: Why Israel Cannot Crush the Resistance in Palestine

The Armed Revolt: Why Israel Cannot Crush the Resistance in Palestine

Numbers can be dehumanizing. However, when placed in their proper context, they help to illuminate wider issues and answer urgent questions, such as why occupied Palestine is at the threshold of a major revolt. And why Israel cannot crush Palestinian resistance no matter how hard or violently it tries. That’s when numbers become relevant. Since…

As Israel Smashes Up Jenin, Its British Apologists Are Enabling This Violence

As Israel Smashes Up Jenin, Its British Apologists Are Enabling This Violence

Consider two quotes which are almost contemporaneous. The first is from Ameed Shahada, a Palestinian journalist who was in Jenin camp during the Israeli forces’ large-scale assault this week. “The scenes in Jenin have been terrifying. There is live fire [from] every direction, and homes are being demolished. The sound of screams are hard to forget. They keep being replayed…

Unmasking Israel’s Failed Raid: The Battle of Jenin and Its Resilient Community

Unmasking Israel’s Failed Raid: The Battle of Jenin and Its Resilient Community

On June 19, a large Israeli military force raided the northern Palestinian town and refugee camp of Jenin from multiple directions. Not only did the raid fail, it backfired, and it also created a precedent in Israel’s decades-long war on the ever-rebellious Palestinian region. Israel killed eight Palestinians and wounded 91 more following hours of…

Israeli Occupation: How Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Dell Enable Surveillance and Control in Palestine

Israeli Occupation: How Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Dell Enable Surveillance and Control in Palestine

In September, Israel installed an AI-powered gun at a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. Now, that same technology has been deployed at the entrance of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem. Across occupied East Jerusalem, you can find surveillance cameras strategically placed on street corners. And throughout the West Bank,…

New Report Outlines How Golda Meir’s Israel Poisoned Palestinian Land in Ethnic Cleansing Operation

New Report Outlines How Golda Meir’s Israel Poisoned Palestinian Land in Ethnic Cleansing Operation

Classical Israel apologia portrays the country as a liberal democracy forced to defend itself against hostile Palestinians as its liberal founders held back radical right-wing Zionists who agitated for more aggressive expansion and settlement. A new bombshell article in Haaretz blows this narrative out of the water.  The article, “Israel Poisoned Palestinian Land to Build…