Don’t Listen To Soros’ Siren Song Against China’s Social Credit System

Don’t Listen To Soros’ Siren Song Against China’s Social Credit System

The billionaire Color Revolution financier made some seemingly valid points about the concerns that many Westerners have when it comes to China’s ubiquitous state surveillance system while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this week, but Soros’ populist spiel is nothing more than superficial justification for interfering in the domestic affairs of…

AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

Human rights and the West: does the reality live up to the rhetoric? On the surface, the cultural narrative seems innocent enough: billionaire philanthropists, political luminaries and transnational corporations, along with legions of staff and volunteers – all working together in the name of social justice, forging a better, fairer and more accountable world. The…

After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” decided to leave Turkey. The organization’s representatives said that it was due to the recent accusations that they’ve meddled in the country’s internal affairs, which is an allusion to President Erdogan’s claims last week about their involvement in the 2013 Gezi Park Color Revolution attempt and is ironically the group’s raison…

Have We Reached Peak Soros?

Have We Reached Peak Soros?

George Soros is losing. He still thinks he’s winning. But, in reality, he’s losing. All around you, if you look closely enough, you will see the spectre of George Soros lurking behind the headlines. The caravan, net neutrality, regulating Facebook, the de-platforming of independent media, color revolutions and election meddling, refugee creation and manipulation, the…