A New Global Order? How Coronavirus Will Change the World Forever

A New Global Order? How Coronavirus Will Change the World Forever

The prophecies are here and it is a foregone conclusion: the post-coronavirus world will look fundamentally different from anything that we have seen or experienced, at least since the end of World War II. Even before the ‘curve flattened’ in many countries that have experienced high death tolls – let alone economic devastation – as…

The Great Economic Depression of 2020: No Lessons Learned as Central Banks’ Bazookas Dribble or Misfire

The Great Economic Depression of 2020: No Lessons Learned as Central Banks’ Bazookas Dribble or Misfire

After 2008, we were promised that too-big-to-fail caused by too much debt, credit, and leverage was history. Covid-19 exposed Wall Street’s culture of “Heads I win, tails you bail me out.” That’s not capitalism, it’s extortion. Are globalization’s new record highs a minefield-filled Potemkin village? In 2020, financial markets have set numerous records. In January,…

The Coronavirus: Crown Jewel of the NWO or Crippling Blow to Globalization?

The Coronavirus: Crown Jewel of the NWO or Crippling Blow to Globalization?

There’s no doubt that the coronavirus has completely changed life as everyone knows it, but many people are divided over whether this outbreak has become the crown jewel celebrating the commencement of the “New World Order” (NWO) or the long-awaited crippling blow to globalization that so many have been eagerly hoping for. *** The COVID-19…

Putin on Globalization, Bonehead Elites and the Ever-Shrinking Middle Class

Putin on Globalization, Bonehead Elites and the Ever-Shrinking Middle Class

Globalization is one of the great issues of our time. The erasure of national borders, the weakening of sovereign governments and the impoverishment of workers across the developed world has triggered a massive populist backlash that threatens to roll back the economic-integration scheme that places Capital at the head of a new global order. Widespread…