“Armageddon Risk” Returns: North Korea Predicts “Catastrophe” as Massive U.S. War Games Begin Monday

“Armageddon Risk” Returns: North Korea Predicts “Catastrophe” as Massive U.S. War Games Begin Monday

Traders barely had time to enjoy the lull from the “Armageddon trade” – the rising possibility of a nuclear exchange between the US and North Korea, which peaked over the weekend when various US officials said a nuclear war is not imminent, echoed by a statement by N. Korea’s state-run news agency KCNA, before a…

Here Are the Real Reasons Behind Trump’s Brinkmanship Toward North Korea

Here Are the Real Reasons Behind Trump’s Brinkmanship Toward North Korea

Trump is pursuing several ulterior motives in sparking a new crisis with North Korea. There are many explanations floating around which seek to answer the question of why Trump has all of the sudden decided to prioritize North Korea. The conventional view has to do with a combination of Pyongyang’s repeated missile tests in violation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions and the…

Is North Korea Showing the Emperor is Naked?

Is North Korea Showing the Emperor is Naked?

Amid the thick fog of (rhetorical) war between Washington and Pyongyang, it’s still possible to detect some fascinating writing on the (unbuilt) wall. A case can be made that President Trump is using North Korea to kick the 24/7 Russia-gate narrative out of the US news cycle. It’s certainly working. After all, in Exceptionalistan weltanschauung, the prospect of war…