Nukes and North Korea: A New Direction?

Nukes and North Korea: A New Direction?

North Korea’s acquisition of nuclear weapons has changed the nuclear balance in Northeast Asia. But it hasn’t altered the way politicians and diplomats approach the question of arms control and disarmament in the region. The debate among influencers continues to revolve around two versions of “more of the same.” Containment advocates argue that North Korea…

Quadruple Trouble for China? Why Washington’s hopes of Creating an anti-Beijing NATO-style Bloc in the Region is a Pipe Dream

Quadruple Trouble for China? Why Washington’s hopes of Creating an anti-Beijing NATO-style Bloc in the Region is a Pipe Dream

Mike Pompeo wants to turn the “Quad” – an informal coalition of Australia, India, Japan, and the US – into a military alliance to counter Beijing. But it’s not going to happen, because of China’s economic clout. In China, the term ‘Gang of Four’ is used to refer to an infamous clique who advocated Mao…

The Day the World Stood Still: A Story of the First Atomic Bomb and Our Perpetual Cold War

The Day the World Stood Still: A Story of the First Atomic Bomb and Our Perpetual Cold War

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pith and momentWith this regard their currents turn awry,And lose the name of action. Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act III, scene I [This paper works as a follow-up to a previous article…

US Wants to Convert QUAD into “Asian NATO”

US Wants to Convert QUAD into “Asian NATO”

Speaking last week at the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum, US Deputy Defense Secretary Stephen Biegun said that the US wants the defence relations with India, Japan and Australia – known as “the QUAD” – to resemble something more closely to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). QUAD is an acronym for Quadrilateral Security Dialogue” involving…

Is The Quad Plotting to Provoke a Proxy War With China in the Solomon Islands?

Is The Quad Plotting to Provoke a Proxy War With China in the Solomon Islands?

The leader of the Solomon Islands province of Malaita announced earlier this week that his region will seek independence from the central government due to its disagreement with the capital over the latter’s recognition of Beijing last year as the legitimate government of China, which could dangerously plunge this underdeveloped nation back into a state…