Saudi Rushes to Improve Its Image in Advance of G20 and Biden

Saudi Rushes to Improve Its Image in Advance of G20 and Biden

Saudi Arabia has taken multiple steps to polish its tarnished image in advance of this weekend’s hosting of the virtual summit of the G20 that groups the world’s foremost economies and in anticipation of an incoming Biden administration in the United States that is expected to be critical of Riyadh and potentially more conciliatory towards…

Is Trump’s Afghan Drawdown Driven by Principles or Machiavellian Motives?

Is Trump’s Afghan Drawdown Driven by Principles or Machiavellian Motives?

Trump’s decision to cut the number of US troops in Afghanistan from 4500 to 2500 raised questions about whether he’s simply fulfilling a campaign promise out of principle or whether he’s hedging his bets in a Machiavellian way by preemptively attempting to obstruct Biden’s possible foreign policy in the event that his opponent successfully seizes…

Beijing Sends Biden a Warning

Beijing Sends Biden a Warning

Because of Donald Trump, Vice President Joe Biden thundered during the campaign, the U.S. “is more isolated in the world than we’ve ever been … America First has made America alone.” Biden promised to repair relations with America’s allies. And he appears to have gone some distance to do so in the congratulatory phone call…

Trump vs Biden: Will the Future Belong to the Patriots or the Globalists?

Trump vs Biden: Will the Future Belong to the Patriots or the Globalists?

It is an undeniable fact that the republic has entered one of the most dangerous crises of its short existence. This is not only due to the disputed election results of November 3rd, but also to a multitude of other factors beyond American borders, including the global financial crisis which a certain pandemic has unleashed…

“Biden’s America” Will Continue Pressure on Iran

“Biden’s America” Will Continue Pressure on Iran

US President Donald Trump famously took a hardline approach against Iran – withdrawing the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – or the “Nuclear Deal” – and opting instead for a policy of “maximum pressure” against Iran diplomatically and economically. But there is a major misconception that the previous administration of former…