Judeo-Centrism: Myths and Mania

Judeo-Centrism: Myths and Mania

Introduction Ethno-religious (ER) beliefs and practices have been harmless when individuals or groups linked to those practices have limited influence over the state and economy. In contrast, when such groups exercise a disproportionately powerful influence over the state and economy, they dominate and exploit majorities while forming closed self-replicating networks. Examples of powerful ethno-centric regimes…

The Golan Heights: Sold to the Highest Bidder Until Everyone Loses

The Golan Heights: Sold to the Highest Bidder Until Everyone Loses

The Golan Heights, internationally recognised as Syrian territory, were seized by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. The ostensible reason for this was that the Heights could be used to terrorise Israel, being mountains with Israeli plains below, and thus Israel was merely ensuring its security. However the State of Israel has long claimed the area as rightfully…

Why Trusting US Government and Mainstream Media Makes You a Dupe

Why Trusting US Government and Mainstream Media Makes You a Dupe

Who trusts the U.S. government and American newsmedia nowadays? Only dupes possibly can. Just look at the recent history, for the evidence on that: The U.S. Government and ‘news’media lied us into invading Iraq in 2003, and hid their coup that overthrew the democratically elected progressive government in Iran in 1953, and lied to say that the CIA wasn’t behind…

Middle East Reacts to Washington’s Strike Against Syria

Middle East Reacts to Washington’s Strike Against Syria

The recent missile strikes initiated by the Trump administration has produced resonated across the whole Middle Eastern region both in the media sources and social networks. A number of Persian Gulf monarchies praised this recent attack of Washington, along with the forces that are representing the so-called opposition in the Syrian Arab Republic, which is…