Pussy John Bolton and His Codpiece Mustache

Pussy John Bolton and His Codpiece Mustache

American government has become a collection of sordid and dangerous clowns. It was not always thus. Until Bush II, those governing were never lunatics. Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Obama, Clinton had their defects, were sometimes corrupt, and could be disagreed with on many grounds. They weren’t crazy. Today’s administration would seem unwholesome in a…

Here’s How Trump’s Poised to Manipulate the Humanitarian Situation in Venezuela

Here’s How Trump’s Poised to Manipulate the Humanitarian Situation in Venezuela

There’s a very high likelihood that the US will commence a limited multilateral invasion of Venezuela if Maduro continues to block the Trojan Horse of a “humanitarian convoy” into his country and the military doesn’t turn against him in the near future because of it. Russia Hints That War Is On The Horizon Venezuela’s on…

Pompeo’s ‘Pandora’s Box’

Pompeo’s ‘Pandora’s Box’

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, taking advantage of political bedlam inside the Donald Trump White House, has busied himself with “regime change” in Venezuela. Pompeo, working with National Security Adviser John Bolton and Iran-contra felon and arch-neo-conservative Elliott Abrams, worked secretly with Venezuela’s self-proclaimed “interim president,” Juan Guaido, to overthrow that nation’s duly-elected president, Nicolas…

Pompeo the Warmonger Supports Authoritarian Regimes

Pompeo the Warmonger Supports Authoritarian Regimes

On January 2 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Brazil, and his Department noted that in discussions with Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo they “highlighted the importance of working together to address regional and global challenges, including supporting the people of Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua in restoring their democratic governance and their human rights.” Pompeo declared that the US…