After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” decided to leave Turkey. The organization’s representatives said that it was due to the recent accusations that they’ve meddled in the country’s internal affairs, which is an allusion to President Erdogan’s claims last week about their involvement in the 2013 Gezi Park Color Revolution attempt and is ironically the group’s raison…

Have We Reached Peak Soros?

Have We Reached Peak Soros?

George Soros is losing. He still thinks he’s winning. But, in reality, he’s losing. All around you, if you look closely enough, you will see the spectre of George Soros lurking behind the headlines. The caravan, net neutrality, regulating Facebook, the de-platforming of independent media, color revolutions and election meddling, refugee creation and manipulation, the…

Pakistan Hits Back at Hybrid War Plots by Restricting Hostile International NGOs

Pakistan Hits Back at Hybrid War Plots by Restricting Hostile International NGOs

Pakistan is following the path first pioneered by Russia in cracking down against hostile International NGOs that pose a threat to national security. Pakistan took a page from the Russian playbook last week by ordering 18 International NGOs (INGOs) to discontinue their operations within 60 days on the presumed basis that their activities are endangering…

Manufacturing Dissent: US NGO’s Build Opposition in Thailand

Manufacturing Dissent: US NGO’s Build Opposition in Thailand

Should decidedly anti-British government organisations be found across the United Kingdom to be funded and directed by Russians, we could only imagine the reaction. Even whispers of hints of Russian influence have resulted in legislation, sanctions and quite literally years of punditry warning of the Kremlin’s insidious reach. When the tables are turned, it is…

Mainstream Media Use These Words and Phrases to Numb the Public and Silence Opposition

Mainstream Media Use These Words and Phrases to Numb the Public and Silence Opposition

While mainstream media, whether state-owned or in the private sector (for-profit or otherwise) often tell outright lies in order to justify the foreign and domestic policy making decisions of the political elite to whom they are financially, socially or unconsciously beholden, often times they do not even have to go that far. Because of their…